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HB 837 Assessment by Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioners

Our Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioners can assist in multifamily property assessment and achieving compliance with HB 837

Florida House Bill 837 (HB 837) establishes protections against liability for apartment and multifamily housing property owners who implement specific crime prevention (CPTED) measures and have a documented CPTED assessment conducted by a law enforcement agency or Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner (FCP).

As described in the new F.S. 768.0706(2): “The owner or principal operator of a multifamily residential property which substantially implements the following security measures on that property has a presumption against liability in connection with criminal acts that occur on the premises which are committed by third parties who are not employees or agents of the owner or operator:”

Physical property requirements include:

Section 768.0706(2)(b) further requires the owner or principal operator of the multifamily residential property to have a crime prevention through environmental design assessment that is no more than 3 years old completed and documented by a law enforcement agency or Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner (FCP).

And by January 1, 2025, the owner or principal operator is required to provide proper crime deterrence and safety training to its current employees. After January 1, 2025, the owner or principal operator must provide such training to all employees within 60 days after hire.

HB 837 Multifamily Property Assessments  by Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioners

To assist multifamily property owners in benefiting from HB 837 while avoiding inadvertent liability, we advise our clients to approach property assessment as a two-step process:

Step One: Preliminary Property Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Before requesting a formal assessment by a law enforcement agency or Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner (FCP), we recommend first ensuring that the property meets all criteria as defined in Section 768.0706(2)(a). If the property does not satisfactorily meet the required conditions, documentation of non-compliance can inadvertently create a new liability problem.

Many of the requirements described in the statute (e.g., presence of peepholes, 1-inch deadbolt throws, etc.) can be assessed internally without outside expertise. Other issues, especially matters related to environmental conditions (e.g., natural surveillance, territoriality, etc.) and illumination requirements defined in HB 837, should be first evaluated in the form of an undocumented assessment by a Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner. In our experience conducting CPTED assessments of hundreds of multifamily properties, very few we inspect initially comply with all common CPTED standards and illumination requirements as defined by Section 768.0706(2)(a)(2).

If the preliminary assessment reveals matters of deficiency, our consultants can assist in conducting a cost-benefit analysis to determine if the capital investment to achieve compliance is worth the benefit of HB 837’s liability protections.

Step Two: Documented HB 837 Assessment by a Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

If results of the preliminary assessment are positive or the property owner has completed all corrective improvements, the process can advance to a documented assessment by a CIS Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner. During the assessment, our practitioner will conduct a systematic inspection of the property focusing on universal CPTED issues and specific conditions as defined in Section 768.0706(2)(a).

Upon completion of the assessment, the CIS consultant will furnish a comprehensive report of findings including an itemized verification checklist testifying to compliance with all conditions as defined in Section 768.0706(2)(a). At the discretion of the property owner and in consultation with legal counsel, the report is also accompanied by a separate document providing best practice guidance to aid in continued compliance with the assessment as stated in Section 768.0706(2)(b).

Our Team of  Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioners

Senior Consultants


Craig Gundry, PSP, FCP, CPS

VP, Special Projects

Craig is the Vice President of Special Projects for Critical Intervention Services and consultant with over 30-years of specialized focus on physical security and development of strategies for resolving complex risk concerns. In addition, Craig is an expert witness and magazine columnist on physical security matters. As an instructor, Craig has trained over 5,000 security professionals globally in advanced security topics.


Hector Rodriguez, CPP, FCP, cATO

AVP, Special Projects

Hector is the Assistant Vice President of Special Projects and a security consultant focusing on matters related to school security, crime prevention for multifamily properties, security department operations, workplace violence, and protection of houses of worship. Hector has over 24 years of experience in security management and previously led one of the most advanced private security operations in the United States.


Shannon Bryson, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Shannon is an expert on premises liability, crime prevention in residential multifamily housing, community policing, and special event security. As one of the architects of the CIS Private-Sector Led Public Safety Program, he directed the PSLPS program in Orlando for several years. Shannon joins CIS with over 25 years of experience as a federal agent and tactical instructor.

Multifamily Crime Prevention Consultants


Carlos Austin, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Tim Cash, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Victoria Gundry, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Terri Hubble, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Leon Lipsick, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Matthew Little Sun, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Patrick Miller, CPP, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Ryland Poulin, FCP

Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Practitioner

Webinar Video

On July 26, 2023, CIS VP of Special Projects Craig Gundry and National Institute of Crime Prevention President Art Hushen conducted a one-hour webinar exploring the requirements of HB 837 and approaches for achieving compliance while considering future developments and enhancing defensibility against potential court challenge.

Play Video

Residential Multifamily Housing: Our experience & expertise as security consultants

Contact Us 

Contact us for a free consultation about HB 837 compliance by calling Tel. +01 (727) 461-9417 or by completing the following form:


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Toll-free: (800) 247-6055 | Tampa Bay Area: (727) 461-9417 | Hillsborough: (813) 910-4247 | Orlando: (407) 420-7945

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