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Fla. Stat. 768.0706 Expert Witness Services

Our Florida CPTED Practitioners provide critical analysis and testimony in cases involving multifamily properties and compliance with Florida Statute 768.0706.

When choosing an expert witness to support litigation related to Fla. Stat. § 768.0706, strategic vision and skill in testimony are equally as important as professional expertise. Furthermore, cases related to Fla. Stat. § 768.0706 often hinge on a totality of circumstances where small details matter in aggregate. Supporting this type of litigation often requires a degree of analytical thinking and attention to detail uncommon in most premises liability cases.

In addition to our skills and experience as testifying experts, our Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Practitioners have conducted over 100 CPTED and statutory compliance assessments related to Fla. Stat. § 768.0706. This experience has equipped our experts with unique insight into the special conditions, ambiguities, and fine details that can make or break a case for compliance.

Let us assist you as experts in your Fla. Stat. § 768.0706 case.

Fla. Stat. 768.0706 Expert Witness Qualifications & Accomplishments

Our expert witnesses are recognized worldwide for their knowledge and achievements. Following are some highlights of our accomplishments and credentials:

    • Since the passage of HB 837, our Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Practitioners have assisted over 100 multifamily properties in achieving compliance with Fla. Stat. § 768.0706. We not only specialize in CPTED in multifamily environments, but understand the fine details that can determine compliance or non-compliance with Fla. Stat. § 768.0706(2)(a).

    • Our expert witnesses have provided case analysis, strategy assistance, and expert testimony during dozens of cases related to security negligence, premises liability, and foreseeability issues.
    • Our Florida CPTED Practitioners have served on committees and advisory boards for organizations including ASIS International, Florida PIRSAC (Private Investigation, Recovery, and Security Advisory Council), FASCO (Florida Association of Security Companies), IASIR (International Association of Security and Investigative Regulators), IFPO (International Foundation for Protection Officers), U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice, Keiser University, and John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
    • In the early 1990’s, our expert witnesses pioneered a unique methodology for protecting residential communities and reducing premises liability. The success of the strategy in reducing crime and increasing community quality of life has been extensively documented by police, news media, and academic institutions and is the central theme of two criminal justice textbooks.
    • Since 1994, our Florida CPTED Practitioners have assisted 1,000’s of diverse Florida residential communities in reducing crime and premises liability conditions.
    • Since 2014, our expert witnesses have supervised the nation’s first private sector-led public safety program for the MetroWest Master Association in Orlando, a community of over 45,000 residents and businesses.
    • The success of our approaches to complex security problems have gained our expert witnesses worldwide recognition through media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, ABC World News Tonight, BBC, CNN, Fox News Channel, The Detroit News, Spiegel Television, and every news affiliate in the Tampa Bay area. In addition to stories about our accomplishments, our expert witnesses frequently provide expert commentary for news media organizations on matters related to crime prevention, premises liability, and security negligence.

(800) 247-6055

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Toll-free: (800) 247-6055 | Tampa Bay Area: (727) 461-9417 | Hillsborough: (813) 910-4247 | Orlando: (407) 420-7945

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