Chem-Bio Terrorism Workshop at 2019 ASIS Europe
Although terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Iraq have employed crude chem-bio agents in numerous attacks over the past 15 years, recent attack plots interrupted in Italy, Australia, and Germany have resurrected international concern about CB terrorism. Furthermore, challenges experienced in the aftermath of the Skripal and Jong-nam assassinations underscore the difficulty faced by public safety and security professionals in responding to chem-bio incidents. Recognizing a potential trend in emerging in these events, multiple European governments have elevated threat warnings about chem-bio terrorism.
On Thursday, 28 March 2019, CIS Vice President of Special Projects Craig Gundry presented a leadership workshop on managing risks of chemical and biological (CB) attacks as specifically applied to security professionals at the 2019 ASIS Europe conference in Rotterdam.This 90 minute workshop explored a diverse range of issues associated with chem-bio terrorism including an examination of previous attacks, diverse facility attack scenarios, risk management strategy, and practical measures for preventing and responding to chemical and biological attacks in a workplace environment.
Much of the information presented in the ASIS Rotterdam seminar was derived from Mr. Gundry’s Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) and CB Terrorism for Security Professionals courses. Since 2003, Mr. Gundry has trained over 3,500 security and public safety professionals in advanced measures for protecting facilities and responding to chemical and biological attacks.
CIS consultants offer a range of services to assist organizations in managing risks of terrorist attack. Contact us for more information.

Craig Gundry
Copyright © 2019 by Craig S. Gundry, PSP, cATO, CHS-III